With our wedding behind us, it seems I will have some free time on my hands and I hate to just sit around, so I am thinking of ways to keep myself busy. I tried knitting and for whatever reason, the muscle memory never quite developed. I am handy enough at cross stitching, but there are only so many things one can stitch into decoration. So, next up is sewing. We received the most lovely wedding gift from a friend of ours, a quilt that includes personal photographs of the two of us throughout the years and her handiwork has inspired me to try a bit of sewing. Sewing is such a useful hobby. So useful, in fact, that it's more than a hobby really, it's a noble pursuit. So sayeth the woman who hasn't sewn before.
Pray for me! :)
I wish you well with your sewing! I would LOVE to learn how to sew. I've got to try to fit it in somewhere, someday. Let us know how it goes! :)